The Ministry of Finance has selected 24 hub schools for a pilot project

The Ministry of Finance has selected 24 hub schools for a pilot project. Following the initiative of the previous Minister of Finance Natalie Jaresko, this project was launched by the Ministry of Finance jointly with the Ministry of Science and Education. Its implementation became possible thanks to the contributions of donors including the US Government, Western NIS Enterprise Fund as well as Microsoft Ukraine. The latter provided technical assistance for the equipment of the hub schools.

The goal of the project is to improve the quality of education for children in rural areas as well as to improve the effectiveness of the use of public funds for education.In the course of the project, one school was selected in each region to receive funding for new equipment and additional material supply. These hub schools shall receive resources for the renovation of their class rooms, learning equipment and IT applications aimed to provide high quality of school education for children living and going to school in rural areas.

The schools were selected by independent project representatives with the participation of the international donors, Western NIS Enterprise Fund and USAID. Priority was given to schools which can be enlarged to replace smaller schools. Thus, children in rural areas will be able to receive proper education as a basis for their further education and career development.

On September 1, 2016, the refurbished hub schools will be ready to welcome their students.


The Ministry of Finance

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