The First Police Station in Ukraine is Opened in the Amalgamated Community

On 3 March, a pilot project for the establishment of special police stations started in Buchach District in Ternopil region. In the centre of the amalgamated community - the town of Zolotyi Potik - the first police station was set to work due to joint efforts of policemen and representatives of the bodies of local self-government.

The establishment of the station will help to bring police squads closer to remote rural areas to the maximum extent possible, Deputy Head of the Chief Administration of the National Police in Ternopil Region Ruslan Balyk noted.

At the first police station in Ternopil Region, six experienced policemen will work. They will promptly respond to all applications by citizens on crimes and violations committed. Senior Police Inspector Andrii Romanyshyn has been working in the town for eleven years. He says that he knows local residents and problems of people very well even if they live in outlying villages. At the new position, he will continue to administer the law and promptly respond to each application of citizens.

By the way, the residents of neighbouring villages will be able to call in aid the policemen at any time considering that they are on duty on the round-the-clock basis.

Law enforcement officers are provided with separate premises, computer equipment, communication means and transport vehicles. They will be able to provide full scale and professional services to residents of neighbouring villages, Head of the Buchach Police Department Serhii Havryliuk told. The station officers will work in a manner similar to rapid response teams and promptly respond to reports.

Chairman of the Town Council Rostyslav Kushyk will make sure that video surveillance cameras are installed in the population centres to ease the work of policemen. The Chairman noted that the community and law enforcement officers by joint efforts will impose order in economic, environmental, and criminal matters.

The district authorities will assist in the provision of fuel and other required materials. Chairman of the District Council Vitalii Freiak is sure that those are honest men of principle that set to work at the station and with whose work the entire community will be satisfied.

Residents of local communities also believe that by joint efforts of policemen and representative of authority it would become possible to maintain public order and ensure public security.

In general, the management of the Chief Administration of the National Police in Ternopil Region plans to open such police stations in each district of the region.

As it was reported, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine proposed that the National Police establish representative offices of district police officers in amalgamated communities.

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