Geoportal of Administrative-Territorial System of Ukraine Has Gone Live

On 1 March, in the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine, during the first session of the Inter-Departmental Commission for Regional Development was represented the geoportal "Administrative-Territorial System of Ukraine".

From now on, all information about the administrative-territorial system of Ukraine is brought together on one information resource. It contains the information about political subdivisions, topography, population centres, motor roads and railways, statutory information regarding changes in the administrative-territorial system, long-term plans for the formation of territory of communities, certificates of income and expense of communities, the amalgamated territorial communities, number of educational institutions and other social facilities, budget, amount of subsidies or subvention, etc.

In the course of creation of the "Administrative-Territorial System of Ukraine" geoportal, international practices of geoinformation portals implementation were reckoned, all information pertaining to the administrative-territorial system was integrated into the cartographic base in accordance with all international standards. The geoportal is subject to updating and monitoring in terms of changes in the administrative-territorial system of Ukraine and operates in two languages - Ukrainian and English.

The geoportal has been developed by State Enterprise "Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping" under the instruction of Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko, with the participation of the Ministry of Regional Development, and under the auspices of the "Decentralization Support in Ukraine" DESPRO Swiss-Ukrainian project.

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