Internships in Verkhovna Rada give young scientists invaluable experience


Anna Naumenko, a Ph.D. student at the Research Institute of State Building and Local Government of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, works as a civil servant and focuses her scientific activities on solving local self-government issues and improving the interaction between local authorities and citizens.

Anna won the All-Ukrainian competition "Best Scientific Work on Municipal Law Issues," earning her the rare opportunity to intern for two weeks with the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (VRU) on State Building, Local Self-Government, Regional Development, and Urban Planning.

"Interning with the VRU expanded my practical knowledge of law-making, which is essential for the development of both scientists and legal professionals. In my scientific work, I often offer proposals for improving legislation in the field of municipal law. Gaining a practical understanding of the legislative review process will undoubtedly enhance my work," Anna said.

During the internship, Anna prepared legal opinions on the amendment to the Law of Ukraine on the Condemnation and Prohibition of the Promotion of Russian Imperial Policy in Ukraine and Decolonization of Toponymy and the Law of Ukraine on the Legal Regime of Martial Law.

"The USAID HOVERLA Activity gave me a unique opportunity to familiarize myself with the practical intricacies of the VRU Committee's activities. I hope more projects like this will emerge so that our country can benefit from motivated young people, inspired scientists, and effective development in all areas of life," Anna said.

The internship initiative for young scientists, introduced by the USAID HOVERLA Activity, plays a vital role in engaging the scientific community in forming practical proposals to address legislative issues within their research.

The USAID HOVERLA Activity actively supports legal education and the professional development of young lawyers. Since 2021, the Academy of Labor, Social Relations, and Tourism, with support from the USAID HOVERLA Activity, has organized the "Best Scientific Work on Municipal Law Issues" competition. This initiative supports young, talented lawyers and scholars interested in analyzing and solving issues related to local self-government in Ukraine.




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