For hundreds of years, these green valleys were a powerful agricultural region that was constantly encroached upon by invaders. Despite the constant struggle for these lands, the ancestors managed to develop their land. Windmills, blacksmiths, trade shops, a zemstvo hospital with a women's clinic, and a bank were all available to the residents back in the 1900s.
More than a century has passed since then, and today's residents of the Zelenodolska community in the Dnipro region still have something to be proud of and fight for. Especially now, when the frontline is just 20 kilometers from their land.
At the beginning of the full-scale war, more than 70% of the community left. And almost all of them have eventually returned home. The community has managed to rebuild housing and find opportunities to develop despite the war.
Watch the video to find out how the Zelenodolska community of Dnipropetrovska oblast lives today and how it copes with challenges.
The video was created in partnership with ShoTam? and commissioned by Ukraine Crisis Media Center under the USAID DOBRE Program. The series of videos tells how communities can generate income and make the most of their opportunities.
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