Moldavian Anenii Noi becomes twin town of the Ukrainian Avangard municipality

Serhii Khrustovskyi, head of Avangard municipality in Odessa district, signed a cooperation agreement with Alexandru Moisei, president of Anenii Noi district council.

The meeting and discussion of cooperation with the Moldovan municipality took place during the International Mayors Summit (West NIS Enterprise Fund), held in Chisinau on 11 April this year, with Cities4Cities | United4Ukraine as a partner. A month later, the partnership agreement was signed at the International Summit of Cities and Regions in Kyiv.

«Today it is extremely important for us to develop partnership and friendly relations with the Republic of Moldova. We need to strengthen traditional relations and expand to new dimensions of bilateral cooperation in local government,» said Serhiy Khrustovsky, head of the Avangard settlement.


Heads of Avangard settlement and Anenii Noi district council at the signing of the partnership agreement.
Source: Serhiy Khrustovsky's Facebook page


The agreement provides for the exchange of experience and mutual support in the development of local self-government, education, culture, tourism, environmental protection, transport, health and social protection. It also includes joint activities in these areas. In addition, the partners plan to organise exhibitions, fairs and internships based on common interests.

Cities4Cities | United4Ukraine is a partnership initiative, launched in September 2022. United4Ukraine was launched by SALAR International and the City of Lviv (Ukraine) with support from the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). Cities4Cities was launched by the city of Stadt Sindelfingen (Germany) under the auspices of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.

14.05.2024 - 14:03 | Views: 1221
Moldavian Anenii Noi becomes twin town of the Ukrainian Avangard municipality




Одеська область


Авангардівська територіальна громада


All-Ukrainian Association of Communities

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