The Central Election Commission Scheduled the First Elections in Three Consolidated Communities

On 12 February, the Central Election Commission, after having considered the applications filed by the Kyiv and Rivne Region State Administrations, scheduled the first elections of local deputies and heads of communities on 24 April 2016 as follows:

  • in the Piskivska town consolidated territorial community (Kyiv Region),
  • in the Pryvilnenska village consolidated territorial community (Rivne Region),
  • in the Krupetska village consolidated territorial community (Rivne Region).

The Commission announced on the commencement of election processes on 5 March 2016, which processes pertain to the said elections.

In this connection, after having considered the applications filed by five state administrations, the Commission found no legal grounds to schedule the first elections in a number of consolidated territorial communities:

  • the Artemivska city consolidated territorial community (Donetsk Region), 
  • the Andriivska village consolidated territorial community (Donetsk Region), 
  • the Ocheretynska town consolidated territorial community (Donetsk Region),
  • the Pomichnianska city consolidated territorial community (Kirovohrad Region),
  • the Hostomelska town consolidated territorial community (Kyiv Region), 
  • the Holoprystanska city consolidated territorial community (Kherson Region),
  • the Zorivska village consolidated territorial community (Cherkasy Region).

It is required to make amendments to the boundaries of relevant districts in order to schedule the first local elections of deputies and heads in those consolidated communities. It is the competence of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine to resolve this matter.

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