Communities that consolidated with rural territories will get more subvention funds from the 2016 State Budget, - Hennadii Zubko

The State Budget for 2016 provides for a subvention in the amount of UAH 1 billion for the development of infrastructure of consolidated territorial communities. These funds will be assigned according to the area of rural territory and the number of rural population - the more is the number of rural population and the area of rural territory, the larger is the subvention to the consolidated territorial community.

It was stated so by Vice Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko during the round-table discussion "100 Days of Consolidated Territorial Communities: Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects".

"The subvention is granted for the formation, modernization of infrastructure of a consolidated territorial community. These funds may be used for a new construction, renovation, capital repair of municipally owned infrastructure facilities", explained Hennadii Zubko.

According to him, it concerns the creation of Administrative Service Centers, up-to-date systems of community management - communication networks, databases, community notification systems.

The consolidated communities will also be able to renovate, reequip, and redesign buildings of budgetary institutions for the purposes of their use or adaptation to new powers and needs of communities, subject to mandatory use of energy saving technologies.

Hennadii Zubko added that the subvention funds may be channeled for the funding of infrastructure facilities - roads, bridges, crossings in order to improve the accessibility of facilities and institutions providing administrative, social, and other services to the consolidated territorial community. To carry out landscaping, construction of water supply systems, water discharge, collection and disposal of solid waste.

For that money, the communities will also be able to purchase vehicles to drive children to educational establishments, special-purpose machinery for municipally-owned enterprises, fire and special rescue equipment.

As it was reported, the subvention from the state budget to the consolidated territorial communities for the development of infrastructure in the amount of UAH 1 billion will be assigned according to a clear formula and it will be used to strengthen the economic capability and secure the territorial solidarity of the community.

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