Subject Matter Experts Will Work at Regional Offices for Reforms

On 16 February, the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine and the Association of Ukrainian Cities signed the Memorandum on Coordination of the Objective of Activity Regarding the Local Self-Government Reform Implementation.

The Memorandum signed by Vice-Prime Minister - Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine Hennadii Zubko and Executive Director of the Association of Ukrainian Cities Myroslav Pitsyk becomes effective as of the date of its signing and continues until 31 December 2016.

The parties signed the Memorandum proceeding from the need to combine their efforts with the aim of formation of capable local self-government and striving to achieve international standards in providing services to the public.

The purpose of the cooperation, the document says, is to accelerate the process of power decentralization in Ukraine and to create a favorable environment for reforming the system of local self-government.

The Memorandum determines such priority areas of cooperation as the formation of a legal framework for reforming local self-government, deepening of fiscal decentralization and deployment of industry-specific reforms, as well as the formation of capable territorial communities.

To achieve these objectives the parties will extend their support to activities of the Offices for Reforms by participation in the work of each office through three subject matter consultants: on budget matters, general legal matters, promotion of decentralization reform achievements, arrangement for training courses, professional development, networking for subject matter consultants.

The Association, in accordance with the obligations assumed thereby, will provide training and hold meetings with the participation of officials of local self-government and subject matter experts on the established platforms for sectoral dialogue for developing legislation with the aim of introduction of the policy for development of local self-government and implementation of industry-specific decentralization. Also, the Association of Ukrainian Cities will extend financial, organizational and methodological support for activities of consultants of the Offices for Reforms.

The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Utilities of Ukraine will establish platforms for industry-specific dialogue and development of draft regulations, with the participation of representatives of branch ministries and it will extend methodological support for consultants engaged for work in the Offices for Reforms, secure their cooperation with regional state administrations.

The parties expect that the more intensive cooperation will result in the formation of an appropriate legal framework for the development of local self-government and related industries, as well as the creation of a legal and institutional basis for the provision of high-quality public services to the population.

The subject matter of this Memorandum is the cooperation within the framework of MTD projects "Development of Course for Strengthening of Local Self-Government (PULSE)" funded by the United States Agency for International Development, and "Transparent, Accountable, and Effective Budgeting Process at the Local Level in Ukraine" funded by the European Union.

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