Working with IDPs: U-LEAD announces new recruitment for Steps for Specialists

Make work with internally displaced persons in your municipality more effective and establish cooperation with colleagues from other fields! U-LEAD’s new training programme will help you with this.

Steps for Specialists. Organising work with IDPs – 2023 is six weeks of online seminars, training sessions and workshops created specifically for the officials of local self-government bodies authorised to work with internally displaced persons.

The programme will help you find answers to, among other things, the following questions:

  • How to organise work with IDPs in the municipality?
  • How to coordinate activities of authorities, humanitarian organisations, volunteer headquarters and donors better?
  • How to determine the needs of IDPs?
  • How to properly organise the provision of services to them?
  • How to establish effective communication?
  • And, most importantly, how to use municipal opportunities for the integration of internally displaced persons and their human, professional and intellectual resources for the development of the municipality?

The training programme offers up-to-date knowledge about the legal status, housing and employment of IDPs as well as powers and tools that will help the participants perform their duties effectively, including issues of communication and interaction with IDPs to integrate them into community life. During the online visit, programme participants will work through practical cases based on real work situations and learn about the experience of other municipalities where IDP integration initiatives have been successfully implemented. In addition, U-LEAD hopes that this programme will allow its participants to establish contacts and build cooperation with colleagues from other regions of Ukraine.

How to join?

One representative per municipality can participate in the programme. This should be a local self-government official, namely a deputy head of the municipality/head of the relevant executive body/professional responsible for organising work with IDPs.

To participate in the selection, fill out the attached application and
send it to
by 06:00 p.m. on 9 February 2022, specifying the “municipality name and region” in the subject.

6-week training will start on 28 February 2023.

30.01.2023 - 13:04 | Views: 3582
Working with IDPs: U-LEAD announces new recruitment for Steps for Specialists

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