EU-Ukraine Municipal Partnership Forum to be held in Poland on January 25-27

The Partnership Forum will be held in Wojnowice, near Wrocław, as part of the CITIES4CITIES | UNITED4UKRAINE initiative. It will be attended by heads and mayors from more than 60 Ukrainian, German, Austrian, Polish and other municipalities of the European Union.

Since the outset of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian municipalities have felt great support from the EU municipalities. Ukrainian municipalities that have been developing partnerships for years received the necessary assistance from the first days, including humanitarian aid, utility equipment, generators, etc.

“We want to help Ukrainian municipalities to establish international partnerships so that they become more stable and can recover faster and better after the war. At the same time, cooperation at the municipal level with EU countries is important for Ukraine’s integration into the European Community,” says Svitlana Kryzhanivska-Blinova, Coordinator of CITIES4CITIES | UNITED4UKRAINE.

At the Forum, Ukrainians will share with their EU colleagues the experience of municipal management in wartime, present cases of successful partnerships between Ukrainian and European municipalities and learn about the available financial instruments for the development of municipal partnership. Mayors of municipalities will also be able to work with future partners in small groups to develop specific ideas for partnership development.

The Partnership Forum in Wojnowice is organised by CITIES4CITIES | UNITED4UKRAINE with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

CITIES4CITIES | UNITED4UKRAINE initiated by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR), the cities of Lviv (Ukraine) and Sindelfingen (Germany).

Strategic partners are the Association of Ukrainian Cities, All-Ukrainian Association of Communities, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.


19.01.2023 - 12:54 | Views: 2111
EU-Ukraine Municipal Partnership Forum to be held in Poland on January 25-27


announcement partnership


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