G7 Ambassadors are consistent in supporting the implementation of decentralization in Ukraine

Under Japan's Presidency, G7 Ambassadors are ready to work together to address the challenges and issues facing Ukraine. They have announced the Priorities for 2023 in Twitter.

Among the set priorities – “Continued commitment to irreversible decentralisation and to strong local self-government, including the inclusive engagement of municipalities and regions during recovery and reconstruction”.

MinRegion noted the consistency of the G7 Ambassadors Group in supporting the implementation of the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of power, which has been implemented in Ukraine all these years according to the principle of decentralization of power.

“In fact, since its creation in 2015, the G7 Ambassadors Group has been supporting the implementation of decentralization tasks in Ukraine. We appreciate it very much, because the Ambassadors’ support also made its contribution to the reform’s achievement of its important goal – creation of a self-sufficient, effective, capable local self-government, which during the war successfully passed the test according to these criteria. Yes, not all goals have been achieved, so we have to work even under martial law to ensure the irreversibility of decentralization, and in this our priorities coincide with the priorities of the G7 Ambassadors,” commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister for Communities and Territories of Ukraine.

In June 2022, the European Commission, in its opinion on Ukraine's application for membership of the European Union, called decentralization a decisive factor in the social and economic development of Ukraine.


17.01.2023 - 10:57 | Views: 3004
G7 Ambassadors are consistent in supporting the implementation of decentralization in Ukraine


international support


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