International Municipal Partnership: On 16 December, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine and the Council of Europe Programme Present Useful Tools for Municipalities

On 16 December, the online presentation of the manual titled “Guidelines on International Municipal Partnership” will be held. This manual was elaborated in cooperation of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development and the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Public Administration Reform in Ukraine” and the electronic platform “Partnership for Restoration and Development” developed in cooperation with the Swiss-Ukrainian project “Decentralisation for Improved Democratic Education” (DECIDE) and U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Organizers: Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine and the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Public Administration Reform in Ukraine”

Participant(s): heads of municipalities, representatives of the Council of Europe, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development, all-Ukrainian associations of local self-government bodies, international technical assistance projects, and experts.

Beginning: 2.00 p.m. Live broadcast – on Facebook pages of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development, the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and Public Administration Reform in Ukraine”, and the Decentralisation portal.

The manual and the electronic platform are assumed to become informative and useful tools for local self-government bodies in establishing partnerships with foreign municipalities. Also, the discussion with local self-government representatives and their associations about the possible ways of interaction for the development of international inter-municipal cooperation is planned.


12.12.2022 - 14:04 | Views: 3062
International Municipal Partnership: On 16 December, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine and the Council of Europe Programme Present Useful Tools for Municipalities


partnership announcement international support


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