Zhytomyr Region received more buses from the government of Estonia

Iveco Irisbus buses were handed over to the Zhytomyr region by the Estonian government on 30 October 2022. The Olevsk, Ovruch, Khoroshiv and Berezivka municipalities received the vehicles. This was announced by the Olevsk municipality on its official website.

This is the second time the Zhytomyr region receives buses.

Handing over bus keys. Zhytomyr region, October 2022 Photo from the website of the Olevsk municipality

The previous humanitarian aid package that included the vehicles was delivered at the end of September. Then the keys to the buses were handed over to representatives of the Luhyny, Brusyliv and Malyn municipalities.

Zhytomyr Region received more buses from the government of Estonia. Zhytomyr region, October 2022 Photo from the Facebook page of the Ovruch City Council


“In addition to these four municipalities, buses from the second package were also received by the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University and Horodnytskyi Forestry,” Arsenii Pushkarenko, Head of the Group for Interparliamentary Relations with the Republic of Estonia, wrote on his Facebook page.

Zhytomyr Region received more buses from the government of Estonia. Zhytomyr region, October 2022 Photo from the website of the Olevsk municipality


“Municipalities of the Zhytomyr region alone provided 96 buses for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. That is why such assistance is extremely important, as the transporting children and teachers to schools and kindergartens, athletes to competitions and the creative teams to festivals are an important component of ensuring the functioning of a municipality,” said Arsenii Pushkarenko.

In general, the Government of Estonia intends to transfer about 30 vehicles to the Zhytomyr region.



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