Ukraine: Grants to Strengthen Good Governance and Local Economy
How to strengthen good democratic governance and local economy during wartime? The special project implemented in Ukraine with the support of the Centre of Expertise provided grants to improve formal and informal training and education in the Ukrainian communities.
The results of the project were presented at the online conference organised on 19 October. Over 180 participants from 20 Ukrainian regions exchanged and discussed their experience.
Five school co-workings specialising in sewing, woodworking, baking and microgreens growing were organised thus enhancing communities’ capacity to produce food products and basic consumer essentials. In addition, methodological recommendations and practical guidelines were prepared jointly with the Ministry of Education relating to further development of similar school co-workings or workshops. Moreover, awareness raising campaign was carried out via social media and regional TV stations. The Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities of Ukraine promoted the project among its members and encouraged them to develop school workshops.
Throughout the project special attention was paid to the engagement of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and national minorities. IDPs played an active role in all of the pilot workshops: they were engaged as trainers and clients. For example, in the school baking workshop of Krupetskyi lyceum (Khmelnytsk region) families of IDPs made bread not only for their own consumption, but also for distribution by the Municipal social service amongst elderly and vulnerable groups.
In the long run, it is expected that local residents and IDPs, engaged in the grant project, will be able to contribute to the local economic development in the context of wartime, and will participate more in decision-making processes.
The Ukrainian NGO “Education for success” implemented this grant project in five selected schools of five communities of Ukraine in June – October 2022.
The Council of Europe supported this grant project through its Programme “Enhancing decentralisation and public administration reform in Ukraine” implemented by the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance of the Council of Europe.
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Львівська область Тернопільська область Хмельницька областьГромади:
Львівська територіальна громада Пустомитівська територіальна громада Копичинецька територіальна громада Городоцька територіальна громада Крупецька територіальна громадаSource:
Програма Ради Європи “Децентралізація і реформа публічної адміністрації в Україні”
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