28 March 2025

The UN Development Programme will deploy two modular administrative services centres (ASCs) in Kyiv Oblast to provide much-needed public services to citizens.

Modular ASCs in war-affected Borodianka and Ivankiv, Kyiv Oblast, are designed for 27 workplaces each. They will be equipped with heating, ventilation and air conditioning for a comfortable stay for both employees and visitors. The ASCs will have the necessary facilities and resources, including furniture, equipment, and, most importantly, competent and trained personnel to ensure highest possible services. 

The modular ASCs will provide more than 130 types of service in a range almost identical to that currently available at stationary centres, such as registering for subsidies, registering businesses and property, and obtaining birth certificates or pension certificates. 

The ASCs are built and deployed within the UN Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme, with the financial support of the European Union and the Government of Canada.

Attached images:


Administrative services international support


Київська область


Бородянська територіальна громада Іванківська територіальна громада


UN Development Programme

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