Sister city helps Sokyryany municipality with technical support in fire safety

As part of the cooperation of Sokyryany City Council (Chernivtsi oblast) with the city of Ahrensburg (Germany), two vehicles were handed over for the needs of the Ukrainian municipality: a fire engine equipped with everything necessary for firefighting, equipment and uniforms for the team, as well as a sprinter for the transportation of fire teams.

This was reported by Sokyryany City Council.

The special transport was provided by the sister city of Ahrensburg as a humanitarian aid.


In March 2022, the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine initiated the  International Marathon of Local Self-Government, aimed at drawing the attention of the world's municipalities to the tragedy of Ukrainian municipalities and activating the process of establishing sisterly relations.

Earlier, Deputy Minister for Communities and Territories Development Vyacheslav Nehoda said that Ukraine welcomes every step towards new sisterly relations between hromadas and foreign municipalities. In his opinion, the establishment of such relations will bring benefits for the participants from both sides. After all, Ukrainian municipalities have gained unprecedented experience in the organization of the vital activities of the territories.

Attached images:


partnership international support safety fire safety


Чернівецька область


Сокирянська територіальна громада


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