Sisterly relations: cities and towns from all over the world help Ukrainian municipalities
Cities and towns from all over the world help Ukrainians to survive the challenges of the war.
Humanitarian aid, exchange of experience and experts, assistance in reconstruction, shelter and treatment of Ukrainians affected by the war are just a part of assistance from foreign cities.
Twin or sister cities are two cities of different countries that entered into an agreement on friendship and partnership to establish comprehensive cooperation and exchange of experience in economy, culture, education, sports, tourism, urban management, etc.
More and more cities are joining the support of Ukrainian municipalities.
Thus, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Paris, Hamburg and Madrid became Kyiv’s new sister cities.
Chernivtsi has got three new sister cities, Dusseldorf, Mannheim and Metz.
Kharkiv ensured the support of Lublin, Chernihiv twinned with Rzeszów, and Rivne became sister cities with Federal Way.
Bourges twinned with Korosten, Gdynia and Pardubice are now sister cities of Zhytomyr, and Poprád offered cooperation to Uzhhorod.
Twinning opens up many opportunities for Ukrainian municipalities both during the war and during the recovery period.
By establishing sisterly ties with cities abroad, Ukrainian municipalities can quickly receive humanitarian aid, exchange knowledge and experience, as well as expand their export potential, discovering new sales markets.
In March 2022, the Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine initiated the International Marathon of Local Governmentsaimed at drawing the attention of the municipalities around the world to the tragedy of Ukrainian municipalities and boosting the process of establishing sisterly relations.
In May, the state of Mississippi, US, twinned with the Khmelnytskyi region.
In June 2022, the Twinning Pact was signed by the cities of Bucha and Bergamo (Italy).
The Irpin City Council and the municipality of Miami, US, have recently decided to twin officially. The agreement is to be signed.
In August 2022, the Chortkiv municipality of the Ternopil region officially twinned with the city of Talsi, Latvia.
The Ukrainian city of Bucha and the German city of Bergisch Gladbach signed a cooperation agreement in August.
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Комітет держвлади, місцсамоврядування, регрозвитку та містобудування

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