Government expanded the list of budget expenditures for the social sphere, education and healthcare under martial law

On August 27, the Government made changes to resolution No 590 “On approval of the Procedure for the exercise of powers by the State Treasury Service in a special regime under martial law” dated June 9, 2021, expanding the list of budget expenditures for the social sphere, education and healthcare under martial law, reports Association of Ukrainian Cities.

During martial law, the changes adopted by the resolution will allow:

  • purchase of school buses to transport participants of the educational process to educational institutions from the new academic year;
  • provision of tertiary (highly specialized) proper-level medical care a by the method of transplantation of organs and other anatomical materials;
  • maintenance of public notification systems in good condition, which is one of the priority measures to ensure the safety of the population under martial law;
  • provision of psychological rehabilitation of war veterans, persons who have made special contributions to the Motherland, their family members, family members of deceased (departed) war veterans, family members of deceased (departed) Defenders of Ukraine, injured participants of the Revolution of Dignity, as well as acquisition and production of ID forms and breast badges for such persons;
  • interbudgetary transfers from the state budget to local budgets, the source of which is the funds of loans and grants from the European Union, foreign governments, foreign financial and donor institutions and international financial organizations.
30.08.2022 - 10:58 | Views: 4092
Government expanded the list of budget expenditures for the social sphere, education and healthcare under martial law


budget war


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