Government delegation began its visit to the United States to discuss support for urgent recovery and preparation for the heating season in Ukraine

On August 29, Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov started his working trip to the USA as the head of the Government Delegation.

Key topics of the visit: support for urgent recovery and preparation for the heating season in Ukraine.

“During the first meeting of the Government delegation with Alfonso García Mora, Vice President of the International Finance Corporation for Europe, Latin America and Caribbean, we discussed the expansion of cooperation with municipalities in the areas of energy efficiency, life support systems and integrated territorial development,” Oleksiy Chernyshov informed.

Minister Chernyshov noted that he is committed to productive dialogue, openness and transparency.

“With IFC, we have positive experience in the implementation of municipal projects. We agreed on the expansion of IFC’s presence in Ukraine and the implementation of projects together with municipalities, even under martial law,” Oleksiy Chernyshov said.

30.08.2022 - 09:44 | Views: 1392
Government delegation began its visit to the United States to discuss support for urgent recovery and preparation for the heating season in Ukraine

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international support Oleksii Chernyshov infrastructure



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