Great Recovery Forum to be held on August 5

On August 5, 2022, the Great Recovery Forum will take place on the territory of the “KyivExpoPlaza” exhibition centre (1, Amsterdamska St., Berezivka village, Kyiv oblast).

The event is organized by the company “Euroindex” and the “KyivExpoPlaza” Centre with the support and participation of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine.

“Great Recovery Hub” is a special project to promote the restoration of the liberated municipalities of Kyiv oblast after the invasion of the Russian occupiers.

Forum participants are representatives of the Government of Ukraine, heads of Ukrainian cities affected by the Russian occupation, heads of rayon state administrations, heads of municipalities, heads of specialized state companies, heads of specialized departments, heads of international investment funds, leaders of civil society organizations, business owners, and representatives of charitable foundations.

The main goals of the event are:

  • attraction of investments (international, grant ones, those from private business, etc.) and specialists for the reconstruction of cities and towns of the Kyiv oblast (as well as rayons of other oblasts of Ukraine that were liberated from the Russian occupiers);
  • promotion of the recovery of the affected regions through simplified logistics and open communication of interested participants;
  • informing and consulting the population of the Kyiv oblast and the leaders of municipalities regarding the modern possibilities of reconstruction and development of cities and towns.

Forum visitors: residents of Kyiv oblast, heads and representatives of municipalities, heads of development companies, leading architects and engineers, representatives of international public and investment organizations.

Topics of the Great Recovery Forum:

1. Post-war reconstruction and recovery of municipalities:

  • condition and prospects of infrastructure restoration,
  • technologies and solutions for effective reconstruction,
  • legal aspects,
  • international partnership,
  • investment attraction.

2. Restoration of the Ukrainian energy industry:

  • energy efficiency, thermal modernization and energy saving
  • green energy, development of renewable energy
  • eco-transformation and decarbonization.

Registration of participants (obligatory) is available on the page

Additional information can be received via phone numbers (067) 375-76-37 or (096) 957-11-15 and on the website

19.07.2022 - 16:56 | Views: 4260
Great Recovery Forum to be held on August 5


announcement infrastructure energy efficiency dovkillia investments


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