Oleksii Chernyshov met with members of the National Council of Austria

On June 30, the Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, Oleksii Chernyshov, met with the delegation of the National Council of Austria headed by Helmut Brandstetter, Chairman of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Austria-Ukraine.

“It is imperative for us to deepen the partnership between the municipalities of Austria and Ukraine. We highly appreciate the amount of humanitarian and technical assistance provided to us by our Austrian partners. We hope for further cooperation and the involvement of the Austrian side in the reconstruction of our country,” the Minister said.

The parties discussed increasing cooperation between the countries, the involvement of the Austrian side in establishing partnerships between municipalities and regions, as well as the reconstruction of the parts of Ukraine that suffered from the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. The options for expanding the scope of humanitarian aid to the municipalities were also discussed.

Partnerships between Füssendorf (a suburb of Vienna) and the hero city of Bucha, as well as between Wiener Neustadt and the village of Borodianka, are being considered.

During the meeting, the Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine thanked the Austrian side for its support in granting Ukraine the EU candidate country status, as well as for its consistent policy of implementing EU sanctions against Russia.


01.07.2022 - 12:20 | Views: 1696
Oleksii Chernyshov met with members of the National Council of Austria

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