A temporary modular town was opened in the hero city of Bucha

On June 24, Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Minister Michał Dworczyk, and Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov, opened a temporary modular town in the hero city of Bucha, Kyiv Oblast.

“Today we open a temporary town with 352 seats in the hero city of Bucha. People who have lost their homes will live here. In particular, among them will also live teachers whose homes were destroyed both in Bucha and in the surrounding settlements, and who work in the local school. This placement is temporary – the Government, regional and local authorities are now actively working on long-term options for housing and repairing damaged housing,” Oleksiy Chernyshov emphasized.

According to the Minister, a total of 704 people will be accommodated in three locations in Bucha modular towns. “There are 88 living rooms, dining rooms, children's rooms, female and male toilets and showers in this town. This option, which we started to implement together with the Government of Poland, has already proved its convenience and optimal comfort,” said the Head of MinRegion.

Earlier Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki together with Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov opened the first in Kyiv Oblast modular town for internally displaced persons in Borodyanka village.

For reference

As of June 21, 2022, 4,775 Bucha residents (3,201 families, including 24 large families and 22 single parents) were registered as internally displaced persons, including 1,055 children (under 18), 1,188 pensioners, 162 people with disabilities.

In the city of Bucha as a result of hostilities 1735 housing facilities were damaged / destroyed, of which 236 apartment buildings (1 house was completely destroyed and 235 were damaged) and 1499 individual manor houses (136 completely destroyed and 1363 partially destroyed / damaged).

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international support social services Oleksii Chernyshov war


Київська область


Бучанська територіальна громада



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