Public transport system – a round table on European practices and solutions for the Kyiv agglomeration

Since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, the infrastructure of some of Kyiv’s neighbouring municipalities has been heavily damaged or ruined, including the transport one. The municipalities of the whole metropolitan area of Kyiv are therefore starting to assess the possible options for the joint reconstruction of their public transport system. On 21 June 2022 at 11.30 (EEST) the Local government association “Kyiv Agglomeration” in co-operation with the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance of the Council of Europe shall hold a round table titled “Public transport system: European practices and solutions for the Kyiv agglomeration”.

In particular, the successful practices in metropolitan areas from other European countries will be presented, including Barcelona, Strasbourg and Turin. Participants will also discuss the development of the relevant legal framework in Ukraine and further steps to improve the public transport system in the Kyiv agglomeration.

The Round Table will be held in an online format, and it will be broadcast in English and Ukrainian on the following Facebook pages: Council of Europe Program  and Kyiv Agglomeration Association.

In order to participate in the Round Table, please register online by 20 June 2022. The number of participants is limited.

This activity is implemented in the framework of the Programme “Enhancing decentralisation and public administration reform in Ukraine” of the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance of the Council of Europe.

16.06.2022 - 16:49 | Views: 2889
Public transport system – a round table on European practices and solutions for the Kyiv agglomeration


announcement agglomeration


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