Government Established a New Procedure for the Operation of Educational Districts and Pivotal General Education Institutions

In terms of the decentralization of powers of central public authorities, the Government amended the procedure for establishing educational districts and determined the conditions for operation of general education institutions. The relevant resolution was passed at the meeting on 20 January 2016.

The approved amendments will grant broader powers to the consolidated territorial communities, local self-government bodies and bodies at the district level to resolve matters pertaining to the structure of the general education institutions network.

Pivotal general education institutions to be established at the local level will be equipped with state-of-art facilities and resources, specifically, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, mathematics rooms, educational computer-based complexes, multimedia equipment, etc. For this purpose, the Government increased funding for the education branch by 121,771,000 Hryvnias in December of the previous year.

Matters pertaining to the arrangement for carriage of students and teaching employees by school buses to pivotal schools will be also resolved at the local level.

The passed resolutions will satisfy the need of people for high-quality and affordable general secondary education at the local level.



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