25 communities and 3 Oblasts State Administrations of Poltava, Volyn and Lviv oblasts received IT equipment from USAID HOVERLA Activity


25 communities of Poltava, Volyn and Lviv oblasts as well as three Oblasts State Administrations received the IT equipment from the USAID HOVERLA Activity to better respond to the emergency situations and challenges on the ground.

In total, HOVERLA partners received 130 laptops, 60 printers and more than 488 supplementing pieces of IT equipment, which will be directed to the emergent needs of the local and oblast authorities to provide residents with quality services.

The Vyshniv community Head thanked the USAID HOVERLA Activity for the timely provision of the office equipment and highlighted that “at the moment it is very necessary for the provision of administrative services to IDPs. Previously, these services were provided by one specialist, as there was no technical possibility. From now on, four employees will be able to quickly and efficiently serve people who have been forced to leave their homes and are counting on our help. "

Most communities in Poltava, Volyn and Lviv oblasts receive internally displaced persons from different parts of Ukraine, so the workload on local authorities has become much higher.

According to the Head of the Executive Committee of the Liubeshiv Community, Volyn Oblast: “This equipment allows to update the existing obsolete equipment of the Administrative Service Centre and significantly improve the quality and speed of administrative services for citizens. Special thanks for the licensed software, which allows comply with the law, improve cybersecurity and cyber hygiene for employees."

Deputy Mayor for the Dobrotvir Community in Lviv Region, commented: “An important challenge the community face is to support business under martial law, including creating conditions for operation of businesses from other regions of Ukraine which relocated to our community, and supporting export-oriented enterprises. Employment assistance should be the basis for IDP support. The Dobrotvir village council will use the received IT equipment to maximize the assistance of IDP registration, submission of documents for social assistance, organization of educational services for children."

The Poltava Regional Military Administration has also received IT equipment, which is essential for improving cooperation with local communities, attracting investment and humanitarian aid to the region and its distribution, relocating assistance to businesses and institutions moving from combat zones.

The USAID HOVERLA Activity will continue to work with partners to respond to today's challenges and support them in their efforts to improve service delivery to residents.


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