Viacheslav Nehoda appealed to CDDG members: “The aggressor must be fully isolated from the democratic world”

Proper military aid to Ukraine, the strengthening of economic sanctions against Russia and its isolation from the democratic world are what Ukraine is asking from its partner countries today.

This was stated by Viacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, in his address to the participants of the 15th meeting of the European Committee for Democracy and Governance (CDDG), which is currently being held in Strasbourg.

“After seeing Bucha, Polish President Andrzej Duda said, ‘Ukraine needs three things: weapons, weapons and more weapons!’ I urge you to listen and, for your part, to help Ukraine receive proper military aid, because it is facing one of the strongest armies in the world. Secondly, sanctions, sanctions and more sanctions. They will fight as long as their economy allows it. Finally, the aggressor must be fully isolated from the democratic world. The Council of Europe once decided to expel Russia. We are grateful for this, and it is a good example of what all self-respecting international institutions should do. It is not appropriate for democracies to sit at the same table with aggressors and criminals who have no respect for universal values and rule-based international order,” said Viacheslav Nehoda.

He expressed gratitude to the members of the CDDG Committee, who on March 28 made a written statement on the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

“Ukraine will win! We will win together with you, because it simply cannot be otherwise! We must jointly oppose this war,” said Viacheslav Nehoda.



22.04.2022 - 12:28 | Views: 4085
Viacheslav Nehoda appealed to CDDG members: “The aggressor must be fully isolated from the democratic world”


V.Nehoda war international support


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