Mariupol City Council urges international community to recognise Russia’s actions in Mariupol as genocide of Ukrainian people

Mariupol City Council condemned Russia’s war crimes against Mariupol residents, rejecting the possibility of any form of cooperation with the invaders and collaborators. At an extraordinary meeting, local deputies urged the international community to join forces to unblock international humanitarian aid to Mariupol and organise a full evacuation. Furthermore, the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and Mariupol are proposed to be recognised as genocide of the Ukrainian people.

Key messages of the appeal:

  • We recognise and urge the international community to recognise the actions of the Russian Federation in Mariupol as genocide of the Ukrainian people.
  • We recognise and urge the international community to recognise the actions of the Russian Federation’s army as war crimes and Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, as a war criminal.
  • We strongly condemn the mass deportation of Mariupol residents to Russia with the complete blocking of international humanitarian aid and the efforts of central and local authorities to fully evacuate the civilian population from Mariupol.
  • We affirm that the only legitimate local authorities of Mariupol are the Mayor and the deputies of the City Council elected by Mariupol residents through legal elections. We also strongly condemn and reject any form of cooperation with the troops of the Russian Federation or with collaborators who have betrayed their state and their people.
  • We urge the international community to unite efforts to unblock international humanitarian aid to Mariupol and organise the full evacuation of the residents of Mariupol.
  • We emphasise that Mariupol has always been and remains a Ukrainian city.

Read the full text of the appeal on the official website.

01.04.2022 - 20:13 | Views: 2993
Mariupol City Council urges international community to recognise Russia’s actions in Mariupol as genocide of Ukrainian people


international support


Донецька область


Маріупольська територіальна громада


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