Novoselytska community from Bukovyna on international support and volunteer aid

Novoselytska community from Bukovyna on international support and volunteer aid

Maksym Kozmenko

Photo by the author

When people understand their role, purpose, responsibility in the most difficult times of trials, then there arises hope and tranquility, concentration, confidence and selfless work.

Every community of Ukraine, every city, village, town and every hamlet now are more than ever important as links in the powerful system created in the struggle against the occupier. One of such links is Novoselytska town territorial community.

In addition to volunteer assistance to the army and internally displaced people, international ties with European countries continue to be strengthened. So, now, during the war, Novoselytska community suddenly got a new sister city - Gerardmer, France.

"Just a few days ago, I received a phone call from the French city of Gerardmer who expressed a desire to establish joint ties with Novoselytsia," said Maria Nikorych, mayor of the Novoselytska community.

The French also backed up their good intentions with humanitarian aid – a bus full of medicines, hospital equipment, resuscitation beds, and food had already arrived in the community.

“What was the first reaction? I received a call from an unknown number, also with an unknown country code. I’ve picked up the phone. This was Natalia, a former Novoselytsia resident who was living in France for many years.  She said that all French people are watching the situation in Ukraine and are very sympathetic to us.  And immediately expressed the proposal of the Mayor of Gerardmer Stessy Speissmann to establish cooperation. Even more, they wanted to establish twin ties with us. It was both a pleasant surprise for me and a great responsibility. After all, we know the possibilities of local self-government in France. Therefore, we must worthily represent our country in this format of international relations," said the head of the community.

After extensive coverage of the intention to partner with the French Gerardmer, the community was offered a proposal from Switzerland. These were our citizens of Ukraine who are currently working there, and they said that they would contact the city administration where they live to establish friendly relations.

"You know, now the whole of Europe has understood that its security depends on the security of Ukraine. I hope that hearts between people will open there, and through them connections between cities and communities will open as well.  And there they will understand that we are Europeans. We are an educated, hard-working nation and we are not inferior to other European nations. That is why they will open their arms and be more loyal to us, Ukrainians,” says Maria Nikorych.

In fact, all the foreign partners with whom Novoselytska community worked before the war remain good friends today. "They share our difficult fate with us," said the mayor.

European allies show their support not only in words. For example, Ungheni, Moldova, accepted our refugees. And the sister cities of Ioniškis in Lithuania and Huedin in Romania, are in touch with people of Novoselytsia almost daily and without delay send the help we ask for. This is what our guys at the front need. They also welcome our refugees.

"In the first days of the war, we received a letter from Ioniškis with children's drawings. Dozens of color pictures drawn by children in kindergarten! And they are all so sincere. There were tears in our eyes when we looked at them,” said Ruslan Maidanskyi, deputy mayor of Novoselytska community.

Currently, there are two volunteer headquarters in Novoselytsia. One is fully committed to working with the humanitarian aid the community receives. Here volunteers sort out the received clothes, products, medicines and send them for the needs of the army, to the affected communities, leaving some to local migrants. 

Another volunteer unit is engaged in weaving protective nets, making protective equipment for soldiers.  Each segment of volunteers has its own charity profile.

More than 1,500 officially registered internally displaced people currently live in Novoselytska community. All children from other cities were registered with local schools and have already started studying. Remotely, but still studying. They also try to entertain kids in out-of-school educational institutions.

"We work with IDPs in several areas. The first is that we feed them. Now the number of people is increasing. And we need to clearly distribute food. The second area is the provision of humanitarian assistance to displaced people. Everyone must be registered, only then will they be able to get the necessary clothes, products and so on. The third direction is the reception and transfer of aid to the military and the affected areas. Here, too, everything is done under the record and report. And it is covered on social networks,” says Adelina Rusnak, coordinator of the volunteer staff.

During the month of the war, volunteers saw both sad and happy events. It happened that an elderly woman who came from northern Ukraine died, and her granddaughter did not have a penny to her name, so the villagers helped to arrange the funeral service.

"And one day a family came with a little girl and a cat. And the cat ran away. The child was crying, worrying. So we and all the volunteer staff were going around Novoselytsia, looking for a cat. And we found it,” says volunteer Adelina.

Internally displaced persons live in the dormitory of the medical college and in one of the city lyceums. Additional places for accommodation are prepared in other schools.  Many people came to Novoselytsia in transit. They spend the night or two here and go abroad or to another city.

Those IDPs who choose to stay in the community often become volunteers. They come to the aid points and get involved in every possible way.

“You see, there are not many places in the community where displaced people can get a job. We expect that some companies from the affected areas will move to us, and then new vacancies will open", said Maria Nikorych.

There are 30,000 people in Novoselytska town territorial community. In addition to Novoselytsia town, community includes13 more villages. The population here is mostly Romanian-speaking.  But. This is the territory of Ukraine. And during the war, people united and stood up in defense of their territory. With a machine gun in their hands, with a humanitarian aid box, or with a signed letter of international cooperation – everyone is doing everything possible for the common victory.


war stories international support


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