Accommodating internally displaced persons (evacuated persons) at establishments of communal proprietorship and their catering: an introduction option

Since Decree № 64/2022 On Martial Law Introduction in Ukraine by the President of Ukraine, the country has radically changed its life and functioning.  Part of local self-government property has been seized or is being seized for the purpose of meeting the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and territorial defense, whereas municipalities have been involved in volunteering, etc.

A lot of educational and health care establishments on the territory of Ukraine are being used to temporary accommodate citizens, having had to flee their homes. Regardless of the martial law, all the measures, aimed at assisting via property transfer and ensuring the state defensive capacity, should be properly documented and confirmed with primary documents, if possible.  This part of the comment, made by Serhiy Yatskovskyi, a DECIDE self-government expert, concerns to all the territories of Ukraine where it is possible to call a session and approve of a decision.

25.03.2022 - 16:05 | Views: 11899
Accommodating internally displaced persons (evacuated persons) at establishments of communal proprietorship and their catering: an introduction option


education Serhii Yatskovskyi war war education war social



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