«Daily 50-100 russian bombs fall on the city, killing 100-150 city residents…». An interview of Mariupol deputy mayor

The city of Mariupol has become a symbol of Ukrainians’ heroic resistance, as well as a symbol of putin regime’s atrocities, destroying a 400-thousand polis alongside with its inhabitants. Mariupol is being permanently shelled from land, air and sea. Rushists have turned a flourishing promising port city into awful ashes. However, Ukrainian military and territorial defenders are going on to defend the city on its ruins. The local self-government is part of this incredible resistance, constantly calling the world community to stop the barbarian infrastructure destruction and civilians’ massacre. The current situation in Mariupol has been covered by Mariupol deputy mayor Serhiy Orlov.


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Маріупольська територіальна громада


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