Slovakia continues to provide humanitarian support to Ukraine

Winston Churchill said: "Everyone has his day, and some days last longer than others." For the majority of Ukrainians, today is the longest day starting from February 24th. The day which split the lives on “before” and “after”. The day which united the nation in one strong force. The day which accumulated various assistance from the neighbors. And the last one plays a vital role in supporting Ukrainian lives, especially in the most affected cities.   

One of the NGOs, which support Ukrainians is the Slovak civic association SME SPOLU and its charity fund Ukraine-Slovakia SOS, established by Ukrainians living in Slovakia. The NGO has recently managed the second shipment of humanitarian aid, this time aimed to deliver 6 large pallets of specific medical supply and equipment to the Regional Neurological and Neurosurgical Clinic Center in Uzhhorod. The remaining load of the overall 75 cubical meters of mixed goods (food, water, medicine, sleeping bags, matrasses) was sent via train to Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Kharkiv , and Vinnytsa. And the smaller portion of freight was distributed for the internally displaced people in Baranyntska municipality in Zakarpattia.

Thanks to excellent and continuous cooperation between the Slovak and Ukrainian partners, new freight(s) will be prepared and delivered to Ukraine, supporting Ukrainian people during this difficult time.

21.03.2022 - 17:48 | Views: 1975
Slovakia continues to provide humanitarian support to Ukraine


international support


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