The Verkhovna Rada has amended the budget and taxation legislation for the period of martial law

On March, 15, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a set of taxation amendments for the purpose of supporting Ukrainian businesses under the war conditions (draft law 7137-d). The law contains radical changes in terms of the single tax, a decrease in the VAT and fuel excise duty, tax incentives for big businesses and charities. 340 people’s deputies voted for the draft law.

Moreover, the Verkhovna Rada passed draft law №7038-d on introducing differential gas output revenue for the period of martial law and public emergency for the purpose of increasing incomes to the state and local budgets (270 people’s deputies voted for the draft law.

In addition, the parliament has also amended the Budget Code (345 people’s deputies voted for draft law №7166), particularly, in terms of cancelling certain Budget Code regulations under the martial law.

16.03.2022 - 09:51 | Views: 21356
The Verkhovna Rada has amended the budget and taxation legislation for the period of martial law




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