Municipalities have become entitled to assign the IDP status to in-migrating persons from 14 regions

On March, 13, with its resolution №269, the Government amended the Procedure for formalizing and issuing the certificate of IDP registration (a comparison chart). According to the amendments, citizens of Ukraine, having had to abandon their homes due to warfare, will be able to get the certificate, testifying to their being internally displaced and registered as an IDP.

The Association of Ukrainian Cities has clarified certain peculiarities of the legislation, particularly, who can get the IDP certificate, where to apply for the certificate, what the local self-government bodies’ algorithm of activity is, whether the “new” IDPs are eligible for financial aid to cover their accommodation expenditures.

15.03.2022 - 18:31 | Views: 82065
Municipalities have become entitled to assign the IDP status to in-migrating persons from 14 regions


social services war war social


Асоціація міст України

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