Why occupants kidnap heads of towns and settlements and what municipalities should do to preserve the authorities’ legitimacy

On March, 11 invaders kidnapped the Melitopol mayor Ivan Fedorov.

On March, 12 occupants kidnapped the head of the Nikolske settlement Vasyl Mytko.

On March, 13 the head of Dniprorudne Yevheniy Matvyeyev and the head of the Melitopol rayon council Serhiy Pryima were kidnapped.

Kidnappings are going on. It appears to be a tailored strategy by the enemy. Many mayors, heads of municipalities and oblasts all over Ukraine are proposed to resign.

What is its purpose? The article explains the invaders’ scenario.

14.03.2022 - 11:36 | Views: 3901
Why occupants kidnap heads of towns and settlements and what municipalities should do to preserve the authorities’ legitimacy


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