Appeal of the Polish-Ukrainian chamber of commerce

Entrepreneurs from the European Union continue to supply regimes in Russia and Belarus. Evidence of this are the TiRs crossing the border of Poland and the European Union in Terespol.

We appeal to companies that trade with Russia and Belarus during the aggression against Ukraine to stop supplying. You are trading with those responsible for genocide!

We appeal to transport companies: deliveries to Russia and Belarus are in fact death deliveries. Please reflect, money is not everything!

We call on the Government of the Republic of Poland to take quick and decisive steps leading to the effective trade isolation of Russia and Belarus.

Ukrainian and Polish entrepreneurs are suffering the consequences of Russian aggression - the destruction of enterprises, the need to stop and relocate business activities, losses that are difficult to estimate today. Ukrainian workers are victims of this war, they lose their jobs, they are victims of air raids on residential areas, their wives and children die. More than a million Ukrainian women and children had to flee from death to Poland.

Transporters who trade with Russia and Belarus - think about what you are participating in. No PR and CSR can take away this responsibility.

12.03.2022 - 19:53 | Views: 3240
Appeal of the Polish-Ukrainian chamber of commerce


international support war


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