The situation at Chernobyl NPP is crucial: the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils, scientists and environmentalists ask the International Atomic Energy Agency to settle the issue

The Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils, leading scientists and environmentalists addressed the International Atomic Energy Agency, asking to prevent the environmental catastrophe due to the situation at Chernobyl NPP and Zaporizhzhya NPP being out of control.

«We call the IAEA as the world centre of cooperation in the nuclear sphere, whose main aim is to achieve «a faster and wider atomic energy usage to maintain Peace, health and welfare all over the world».

11.03.2022 - 09:35 | Views: 4036
The situation at Chernobyl NPP is crucial: the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils, scientists and environmentalists ask the International Atomic Energy Agency to settle the issue


war international support


Українська асоціація районних та обласних рад

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