The Lviv oblast is ready to host people from other regions

The Lviv oblast is hosting people from other regions for a temporary stay!!

All educational establishments have been notified about the potential accommodation of displaced people from other regions of our country. Currently the Lviv oblast is hosting orphanages, evacuated from the east of Ukraine.

The Lviv Oblast Administration with the Lviv City Council are establishing a call-centre to accommodate people. There will be 6-8 stations for you to address concerning the available accommodation.

The Cooperation Centre has been established for all Ukrainians, able to host people and those in search for refuge.

«Some people have made a decision, which is important for them and their families, to temporarily evacuate from their homes to safer regions of Ukraine. Unfortunately, not all people have friends or relatives, able to host them for such dark times», - said Maksym Kozytskyi, the head of the Lviv oblast.


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