February, 23: online-seminar “State Land Cadastre Novelties: everything on the pilot project”

At 1 P.M. on February, 23, there will be held online-seminar “State Land Cadastre Novelties: everything on the pilot project”. The event has been organized by the StateGeoCadastre, supported by the AGRO USAID Programme.

The seminar is aimed at informing on advantages and perspectives of delegating certified engineers-specialists in land planning with powers of state registration of land lots within the pilot project (Resolution №1438 of 29.12.2021).

To register for the seminar, please, fill in the form at: https://form.typeform.com/to/j9Z6xOzg.

11.02.2022 - 11:22 | Views: 4557
February, 23: online-seminar “State Land Cadastre Novelties: everything on the pilot project”


announcement land


Програма USAID з аграрного і сільського розвитку - АГРО

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