Teams from 196 municipalities have started the training programme “Steps for local self-government teams on administrative case management”!
During the next 9 weeks, 735 participants from all Ukrainian Oblasts will work on enhancing their management skills, establishing qualitative personnel management, ensuring openness and transparency as well as introducing innovative tools in day-to-day work.
During the launch of the programme, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda expressed gratitude to U-LEAD and emphasized that decentralisation remains on the agenda of the Ukrainian Government.
“We must all do our utmost to advance this reform. We have not yet reached its top, but we are somewhere on the equator. Now, we have faced a new, no less difficult task – to continue and complete the reform. This requires Amendments to the Constitution, without which the reform is shaky in terms of its security,” Vyacheslav Nehoda stressed.
Policy Officer for Decentralisation and Sectoral Reform of EU Delegation to Ukraine Tomasz Ostropolski welcomed the participants of the programme and wished a fruitful and successful training cycle:
“I would like to welcome the 196 municipal teams from all 24 oblasts of Ukraine, their leadership and the staff members, responsible for administrative management processes. I am convinced that the topics discussed today and in the coming weeks, will provide you with the knowledge and skills to introduce qualitative changes in your municipalities.”
U-LEAD with Europe Director Bastian Veigel shared details of the work that participants will face:
“During February-March, we will meet twice a week to gain new knowledge and share experiences. Apart from that, you will also participate in an online visit as well as an information session with central government officials. The speakers of our program will be well-known experts, your fellow practitioners from local councils, representatives of the central government, the public sector and business. This approach is aimed at broadening your understanding of the possibilities in this field and, perhaps, adopting relevant practices.”

study international support V.Nehoda
U-LEAD with Europe Programme

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