Over UAH 1,5 million to doctors: the Stanychno-Luhanska military and civilian administration will introduce a programme of local stimuli for medical staff

By 2025 the Stanychno-Luhanska military and civilian administration will have realized a programme of local stimuli for medical staff. The municipality budgeted over UAH 1,5 million to encourage and facilitate payments to medical staff, as well as to order students contract training at medical establishments with their further employment and mandatory 5-year working there.

The programmed was developed by experts of the military and civilian administration with expert support by the Regional office team of U-LEAD with Europe in the Luhansk oblast.

«Thanks to the local stimuli programme the Stanychno-Luhanska general hospital will be able to involve and maintain perspective young doctors. The programme and its opportunities are interesting for resident doctors, who are ready to return to and work at our hospital, the internship having been completed», - states the Stanychno-Luhanska military and civilian administration.

21.01.2022 - 11:33 | Views: 8386
Over UAH 1,5 million to doctors: the Stanychno-Luhanska military and civilian administration will introduce a programme of local stimuli for medical staff




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