How neighbours can become partners: municipality residents’ survey outcomes
On December, 8, 2021, the Council of Europe Programme «Decentralisation and public administration reform in Ukraine» organized a discussion of intermunicipal cooperation development within a potential Lviv agglomeration, arrangement of communication between Lviv and neighbouring municipalities for the purpose of accelerating development and economic potential enhancement of this region, important for Ukraine, increasing its population standard of living.
What is meant here is the up-to-date European form of such cooperation, referred to as metropolitan governance, established on partnership pillars, which equally takes into consideration each party’s interests and simultaneously forms common vision of common problems solution. In such a way cities and regions function, namely, those situated on our continent under the severe economic competition conditions, to counteract global challenges of the modern world. Ukrainian cities are just starting this journey, however, it is worth recalling a universal truth: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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