Legislative pillars of the local economic development will be discussed in January

In January of 2022 the Association of Ukrainian Cities and the HOVERLA USAID project will continue a series of joint events, aimed at discussing legislative novelties in the sphere of the state regional policy and local economic development, trends and consequences of those legislative initiatives.

The discussions will take place in the Lviv, Volyn and Poltava oblasts.

They will involve people’s deputies of Ukraine, representatives of the executive authorities central bodies, oblast state administrations, oblast councils, representatives of local self-government bodies and their associations, experts of the Association of Ukrainian Cities and the HOVERLA USAID project.

It is necessary to register to participate in the events. Here is the discussion schedule and registration links:

17.01.2022 – Poltava

Register at: https://forms.gle/GHw16MZTL7F5MLPF6

20.01.2022 – Lutsk

Register at: https://forms.gle/wJKoQdL3q7i4vLSU7

21.01.2022 – Lviv

Register at: https://forms.gle/bnvc7hsSuEtVyaEX8.

22.12.2021 - 11:38 | Views: 5742
Legislative pillars of the local economic development will be discussed in January




Волинська область Львівська область Полтавська область


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