A series of regional discussions «Discussing novelties of 2021-2022 taxation and budget legislation» is over

The final event of the series of public discussions «Discussing novelties of 2021-2022 taxation and budget legislation» took place in Poltava. It was organized by the HOVERLA USAID Project and the Association of Ukrainian Cities.

In his welcome address Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda claimed that the combination of the experience of the Association of Ukrainian Cities and a great potential of the HOVERLA USAID Project would make it possible to achieve new results and advance in many local issues:

«Despite being at a certain level of decentralization achievements, we have a lot to do. So, municipalities have been established, the basic level has been formed and the rayon level has been updated for the executive power territorial bodies. Currently our common objective is to do everything for the newly established municipalities to be more capable and autonomous».


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