The Verkhovna Rada has passed in the first reading bills, ensuring fiscal stimuli for industrial parks

The Verkhovna Rada has passed in the first reading bills №5688 and №5689, stipulating a set of fiscal stimuli for investors in industrial parks. Particularly, they cover industrial park residents income tax exemption for 10 years, provided they reinvest in the investment project development. It was claimed by Minister of of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov.

«Fiscal stimuli are one of the key motivators the state can propose to attract investment in industrial parks. The proposed amendments to the Taxation and CustomsCodes can facilitate attracting foreign investment. As a result, new enterprises and jobs are created in regions. When there are enough jobs, it is a real adult life for each municipality. We are advancing to economy enhancement both in certain regions and in the country as a whole», — said Minister Oleksiy Chernyshov.

16.12.2021 - 15:17 | Views: 4348
The Verkhovna Rada has passed in the first reading bills, ensuring fiscal stimuli for industrial parks


law Oleksii Chernyshov



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