Khmelnytskyi and Vinnytsya have been internationally awarded

Khmelnytskyi and Vinnytsya have won Local Innovation Awards by Open Government Partnership. The competition winners were announced during the OGP Global Summit in the capital of South KoreaSeul.

The prestigious OGP Local Innovation Awards are awarded for innovations in developing open governance and transformation initiatives locally.

«We joined the programme «Open government – local level» within the Open Government international initiative just last year but we have already developed the Action Plan of the Initiative Fulfillment and presented our project at the international competition. We are happy for Vinnytsya to have been recognized as a progressive municipality by the international community», - reported the Vinnytsya mayor Serhiy Morhunov at his Facebook page.

Khmelnytskyi became the winner with its Green City project and Action Plan as well as the Guffy-Centre interactive space for pupils, students and adults, aimed at informing on waste management system and waste impact on the environment.

16.12.2021 - 12:49 | Views: 6993
Khmelnytskyi and Vinnytsya have been internationally awarded


international support competition


Вінницька область Хмельницька область


Вінницька територіальна громада Хмельницька територіальна громада


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