December, 10 – the all-Ukrainian Self-Government Forum «Topical Issues of Municipality Development» (online)

At 2 P.M. on December, 10, 2021, the all-Ukrainian Association of Municipalities in partnership with the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine is holding the all-Ukrainian Self-Government Forum «Topical Issues of Municipality Development» (online) on the occasion of the Local Self-Government Day.

Local self-government representatives are invited to participate in the event: municipality heads, local council deputies, executive committee members, staff and starostas.

The event involves ZOOM connection between the studio in Kyiv and ZOOM-points in municipality premises, hosting municipality heads, deputies, staff and other officials of the local self-government bodies.

The Forum will highlight urgent issues of municipality development: decentralization further steps, tax novelties, 2022 State Budget, land relations, etc.

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If you have any questions, write to the email-address: or call: +380 67 678 2323.

03.12.2021 - 11:01 | Views: 4315
December, 10 – the all-Ukrainian Self-Government Forum «Topical Issues of Municipality Development» (online)




Всеукраїнська асоціація громад

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