Six municipalities of the Donetsk oblast have started cooperating on water resources protection and preservation

With an initiative of joint action coordination and modern eco-practice introduction, municipalities of the Donetsk oblast were addressed by the UA Fishing Club. Municipalities of Slovyansk, Lyman, Bakhmut, Chasiv-Yar, Selidovo and Andriyivka were the first to respond to the initiative. Memorandums on Cooperation were signed with the municipalities and their cooperation is being planned, particularly, in the sphere of eco-services digitalisation.

The first cooperation outcome is the EcoWater mobile app development, targeted to the public control of the oblast water reservoirs condition. Recently the app has been presented at the Dad Hub space in Kramatorsk. The app having been tested and checked, you will be able to upload it free of charge in Googl Play. One can get acquainted with the app demo-version at:

Attached images:


cooperation maino elektronne vriaduvannia


Донецька область


Андріївська територіальна громада Бахмутська територіальна громада Лиманська територіальна громада Селидівська територіальна громада Слов'янська територіальна громада Часовоярська територіальна громада


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