It is not democratically for the mayor, elected by residents, to work within the state authority system: theses of the law on Kyiv discussion

For the last decades there have been numerous attempts to amend the law on Kyiv, dividing authorities of the executive branch of power and local self-government in the capital. But there has not been a cool-headed attempt to solve the issue, thus, not a single bill has been adopted yet. We shall come to know about the future of draft law On the City of Kyiv — the Capital of Ukraine (№ 2143-3) next week if the Verkhovna Rada manages to consider it as it has been planned.

It was covered by participants of the press-conference “Legislative basis of the public authority territorial organization reform in Ukraine”.

«The city of Kyiv does not have its own executive body. Local self-government is covered with the position of the head of the local state administration. In such a pattern, not available in any city of any European country, both the state authority and local self-government lose. In essence, Kyiv is the only city of Ukraine that is unable to take advantage of decentralization. Thus, it is not a surprise and quite logical for lawmakers to try to change the situation», - said deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda.




law V.Nehoda Vitalii Bezghin D.Popescu


місто Київ




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