How to make a municipality site efficient and why: municipality experience

Law obliges municipalities to have their own site and publicize the main municipality documents there. However, somebody does it just to check the box, whereas others try to find upgrades and inform, rather than just publicize documents.

Successful cases of municipalities-partners of the USAID DOBRE Programme prove that it is possible to make a municipality site efficient and popular. Due to such successes the Muzykivska municipality of the Kherson oblast and Starosaltivska municipality of the Kharkiv oblast have become paragons of ІТ development.

What is the difference between the sites, created with support by the USAID DOBRE Programme, and old-pattern platforms? How have the role model municipalities managed to popularize their online-resources? How can an ІТ-strategy assist in the local economic development?

All these issues have been covered by Olha Tkachenko, a representative of the USAID DOBRE Programme and Ukraine Crisis Media Centre.


elektronne vriaduvannia Dosvit participation of citizens


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